Dr. Kaviyarasu Kasinathan
Dr. Kaviyarasu Kasinathan is a material scientist currently working as a Senior Researcher at University of South Africa (UNISA) under UNESCO Africa Chair in Nanosciences/Nanotechnology category. His contribution in the field of functional materials for energy, bio-catalysis and supercapacitor applications have generated new knowledge and delivered 185 peer reviewed publications and 40 oral/invited presentations at various international conferences. His research excellence is evident through a strong publication record (H-index 55; >8300 citation). In addition, Clarivate Web of Science identified him for the Highly Cited Researchers 2020 list.
His research is focused on the design and development of advanced materials for low carbon emission technologies which plays a key role to mitigate climate change. His research activities include surface science of catalysis, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and hierarchical nanostructures for tissue engineering and bio interfaces. |