The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovations, Chief Uche Nnaji has applauded the immense effort of the German Government for its developmental strides towards the installation of Solar Energy Power Plants and an Electric Vehicle Charging Station at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). The minister said, it is quite notable that the German Government had also contributed immensely to the growth of the institution through the Yield Analysis and Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Photovoltaic and Photovoltaic-supported Food and Energy Hybrid Systems in Tropical Nigerian-Beninees Climate (YESPV-NIGBEN). He pointed out that the aim of the German-sponsored project was designed to create climate-friendly ways of generating energy and producing and preserving food. The event which took place on the 24th May, 2024 was honoured by top government agencies.
The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovations was ably represented by the Director, Energy Management Department, Energy Commission of Nigeria Mr. Sulu Ibrahim. In his commendation, he pointed out that the Energy Power Plants will bring a massive solution to the persistent energy crisis in University campus and beyond which will in turn promote the positive impact of food security to a global standard. He further stressed that it is therefore imperative to note that “The energy power plants project is not only intended to provide an alternative and clean power supply but also will serve as a greenhouse to produce food and energy simultaneously. He also expressed the immense appreciation to the German Government for the wonderful project, as well as the YESPV Nigeria team, and Centre for Energy Research Commission (CERC), University of Nigeria Nsukka, for executing the project effectively”.
The Minister also expressed optimism that the Nigerian government will continue to partner with other developing countries in tackling the persistent crisis of energy and make successful achievement of food security in the country a priority.
Also contributing, Prof. Charles Igwe, the Vice-Chancellor of University of Nigeria Nsukka ably represented by Prof. Romanus Ezeokonkwo, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration, expressed his warm welcome to the Minister and his entourage as well as the German Government for finding the institution worthy of such a great project to be implemented. The Vice Chancellor further stressed that the project is in partnership with CERC-UNN and the Center for Energy and Climate Research, Julich and Germany.
He expressed satisfaction over the numerous projects put in place for better productivity; these projects include: “A 20kwp Agri-PV system at the institution’s energy centre”, “a 20kwp system at the University Medical Centre”, “11KWp at the Nano Research Laboratory”, “a 5KWp solar home system”, and “a 1KWp PV-powered charging station” respectively. “In line with the objectives of the project, the team has engaged in research using the project’s infrastructure, and the results of the projects have been published and presented in several high-impact journals and international conferences.
The Vice Chancellor also stated that “these projects will in no doubt help in solving some of the energy challenges bedeviling our institution, as well as serve as a research hub for staff and students”.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration Prof. Romanus Ezeokonkwo, in his speech expressed optimism that the university will not relent to collaborate with corresponding agencies in proffering solutions to problems facing humanity and the nation in general.
In the same vain, the team leader YESPV Nigeria Prof. Paully Ugwoke, thanked the German government for making these great project become a reality. He also stated that with the financial aid of the German government, the project group will do more to help the country to provide solutions to curtail the energy crisis in the country.
Consequently, Dr. Izuckukwu Okafor, Director, CERC -UNN, said that bringing the project to UNN was a big boost for the institution’s quest for alternative and sustainable energy supply on the campus and its environs. He buttressed further that “bringing this project here has solved some of the issues in UNN concerning power supply. “With the installation of the project in a place like the University’s Medical Center has helped to maintain a steady power supply”.
Shortly after inaugurating the project, the German team leader Mr. Mansann, demonstrated his satisfaction pointing out that the way the project was executed is quite commendable and further stated that all hands must be on deck to establish premium knowledge so as to transform the energy system and the world in general, making it a better place for human habitation.